Sunday, November 1, 2015

SAP BPC Interview Questions Collected - Total 596 ( 1-100)

Interview Questions Collected:


1.Can you debug the data manager package ?

Program: UJD_TEST_PACKAGE .You must specify the User ID .The DM package can be selected with F4 .

2.How to debug the script logic ?
Program UJK_SCRIPT_LOGIC_TESTER will allow you to test and debug script logic 

What is ROUND ?
Technical name of the BADI.

 4. startroutine = C1     endroutine = C2 What is C1 ?
Badi filters.

5.  Process performed by setting up two Excel files:
Transformation file (required) .Conversion file (optional) DM package doesn’t need a transformation file ? True or False.

6.  When transformation option CONVERT_INTERNAL = NO, the external column refers to the source value, the internal column refers to the target dimension member you want to load into the application. When Convert_internal =YES, the external column refers to the target and the internal column refers to the source value.

7.Where you can use the Java script .
·         Script logic
·         Validation
·         Transformation
·         Conversion file
Answer; Conversion File

8.Can VB script be used in Netweaver BPC ?
No VB script in Netweaver BPC .

9. Transformation file is selected during the run time of the import package.
Transformation definitions are in Excel files that contain one worksheet named Instructions. The file is divided into 3 parts (*OPTIONS; *MAPPING, *CONVERSION)The transformation file references conversion files that may contain multiple worksheets.

 10. Tip: The *COMMIT statement will end any execution scope defined by any previous *XDIM scoping statements. If your script logic needs to continue after a *COMMIT, you will need to re-scope by using additional *XDIM statements.

11.When validating a script logic file with a DM variable, the current response in a BPC75NW SP04 system (and earlier) is to error on the line containing the ${DataManagerVariable}$. This occurs due to the fact that the DM variable is not really defined until runtime, and the system cannot determine if the variable contains a correct value during the validation process. Therefore the best practice is to save the data file without validation and test for correct operation.

12. The IIF statement allows a conditional IF/Then/Else statement to be defined for MDX based syntax. The IIF statements cannot be include *REC commands, but can be used within MDX tuple expressions.

13. %{DimName}_SET%:A system generated keyword is available for each dimension. This keyword holds the set of members passed to the logic engine for a given dimension (i.e. the initial scope). This keyword can be used as a replacement string anywhere in the logic.The format of this keyword is: %{DimName}_SET% , where DimName is any valid dimension name in the application. For example:
%P_ACCT_SET% for the dimension P_ACCT.

14.The *SELECT statement will be executed before any other statements regardless of its actual position in the script logic file.

15.  WHEN/IS/REC/ENDWHEN cannot be written inside SELECTCASE/ENDSELECT .

16.  Dynamic Properities such as HLEVEL, PARENTHn are not supported inside REC statement.

17.  REC always needs to be accompained within WHEN/IS/ENDWHEN. Stand alone REC statements will not have any effects .

18.  You can not use SIGNEDDATA or any measure name in a WHEN statement to write condition .

19.  Multiple LOOKUP blocks for same Application is not supported .

20.What command is used to convert the keyfigure model to account model ?

21.  Script logic calculations cannot cross applications within on Appset – True or False.

22.  Script Logic is used to calc data but only for base level data in the application. True or False.

23.  The *REC instruction tells the program what to do once the specified criteria has been met. – True or False.

ACCT_FROM = 10000
ACCT_TO = 10001


25.Run Logic:
“How To Implement the RUNLOGIC Keyword in SAP Business Objects Planning and
Consolidation, version for NetWeaver”

26. The list of supported MDX functions is available from function module BAPI_MDPROVIDER_GET_FUNCTIONS.

27.Which are the on the fly calculations ?
                Dimension member formulas.

28. Which logic is stored in the database ?
                Script logic. 
29.Dimesnion member formulas and worksheet logic are not stored in the database – True or False.

30.  What you need to use dimension member formulas ?
-  Formula property in the dimension.

31.  Any property with length greater than 60 is stored as a string in SAP NetWeaver BW – True or False.

32.What property is required by all currency type dimensions ?

Ø  Currency Type

33.Dimension and dimension members are case sensitive – True or False.

34.What is process dimension does.
-  Validate the formulas                 - Validate the hierarchy                 - Save it to the database.

35.What is slove order ?

Solve Order determines the order in which dimensions, members, calculated members, custom rollups, and calculated cells are evaluated, and the order in which they are calculated.

36.What is the highest priority of the solve order ?

Zero is the highest priority.

37.What is the file service tcode in BW?

38.What is system constants file?
Is the logic file that allows you to map dimension names from the application to the standard system variables used in SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 7.5 dynamic logic.

39.What is Mdxlib.lgf.
MDXLibrary.lgf contains base examples of dimension formulas .

40.What is default logic file ?
Default.LGF file

Default Logic is a special logic statement that gets executed on every writeback to an application.

41.What are .LGF and .LGX files ?
.LGF - an ASCII file that you use to create/edit your logic calculations and is accessed through the Script Logic editor in the Admin Console.
.LGX - the compiled logic file. Created by the system when you validate and save your logic. This is an executable version of the .LGF file. This is always generated on the fly when you execute a .LGF file.

42.What are the major 7.5 enhancements ?

TMVL for time offset function


FOR/NEXT now supports variable

WHEN/IS/ENDWHEN support variable

ALLOCATION’s FACTOR now supports all basic mathematical functions with

ELSE within WHEN/ENDWHEN now accumulates with original records

What is SKIP_DIM command does?

What is ADD_DIM does ?

What is RENAME_DIM does ?

44.Allocation Function?
*DIM P_ACCT WHAT=<source>; WHERE=<target>; Using=<distribution key>;
[Total=<distribution key>]
*DIM <other dimensions>

Explain Ø  WHAT

45.What are scoping commands ?

The following keywords can be used to modify the scope:
 Overwrites the scope for that dimension
Add members to the scope of that dimension
Filters the members of the scope of that dimension
Specifies the maximum number of members that should be included in one query (per dimension)

46.What command is used to update the records in the database ? COMMIT .

47.Can you use data manager prompts in the script logic ?
                                TRUE or FALSE

48.What are system variables ?

%USER% - Returns current SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation User
 %APPSET% - Returns current SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation AppSet (Application Set)
%APPLICATION% - Returns current SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation Application
%YEAR% - Returns current calendar year

49.What are delivered measures ?

Ø  Periodic,

50.What are custom measures ?


51.Custom measures can be created using ABAp program – TRUE or FALSE.

52.What is the difference between EVGTS and EVSND

EVGTS : The EvGTS (Get value and scale) function retrieves a data value based on the specified members, and scales the value if the scale property is enabled on the dimension. The report templates provided in the sample application set have a scale reference in the Control Panel area of the template.


This Send function references another cell and sends its value to the database when you select Send and Refresh Schedules.The parameters specify the dimensions that identify where the data value is to be sent in the database. EvSND returns the value from the database to the referenced cell. You do not need to add any EvGET functions to the sheet to return values to the cell. Since the values are returned to the referenced cell, BPC sends only the cells that have changed since the last send in the current session.
By putting the formula in the EvSND cell and not in the input cells, you decrease the chances of your formulas getting overwritten or erased. To further protect the formulas, you may want to hide the EvSND cells in the input schedule.This function takes members that not specified from the current view settings.

53.  XDIM_MEMBERSET doesńt allow
Properties.*SELECT is a second possibility to refer to properties needed in connection with the XDIM_MEMBERSET statement.
XDIM_MEMBERSET doesńt allow Properties.
XDIM_FILTER is one possibility to reference properties within the scope.

54.  %DIMNAME_SET% is a variable which inherits the dimension member from the current view. – TRUE or FALSE .
55.What are 4 types of methods to read the data ? Ø  RSDRI
56.What is UJSTATS tcode ?
-  BPC statistics
57.How to switch on the stats and what is the web parameter ? Application Web parameter called BPC_STATISTICS – Should be set to ON

58.What type of query EVDRE creates – RSDRI or MDX ?

59.What is the purpose of the program UJO_STATISTICS_DELETE ?
-  To delete the stats table entries. 
60.  Cell queries have been moved to Axis Queries because they are faster even though they bring back more data – TRUE or FALSE.

61.  What is sparsity  coefficient ?

62.  CoefficientPost BPC 7.0 SP3, the Sparsity Coeffiecientis no longer used – TRUE or FALSE.

63.  Custom suppression adds another EVDRE – TRUE o FALSE
64.What is the difference between DRILLDOWN and DRILLTHROUGH ?

Drill down is different than drill through. Drill down is used to drill down on member data within dimensions. You can drill down on members in a worksheet, or you can drill down on charts and graphs. Drill down is conducted within one report in the Excel interface whereas drill through is a 'jump' outside of the Excel Interface.

65.What are the options of DRILL THROUGH?

Ø  Jump to any website
Ø  Jump to a BW query
Ø  Jump to ECC tcode

66. The business rules are broken down into Appset and Application sections. In the application the destination data source is assigned to the method in the automatic assignment TRUE OR FALSE
-           TRUE

67. During first cons the diff between the investment and the parents share of subs equity Is written to goodwill  .

-           TRUE

68. The purchase method only adjusts the investment for market value changes in the subsidiary TRUE OR FALSE
-           FALSE

69. The purchase method is typically used in the US where the parent has a majority of shares or has controlling interest over the subsidiary . TRUE OR FALSE
-           TRUE

70. Annual Net Income of the subsidiary is split between the parent and the minority shareholders during subsequent consolidation activities . TRUE OR FALSE
-           TRUE

80. When the consolidation program is executed, it reads dim prop, cons methods and percentages in the ownership app. TRUE OR FALSE
-           TRUE
81. The dimlist property in the account dim can be used as a selection criteria for account to be included in the source of the calculation .

-           TRUE

82. The method assignments by entity and their percentages are read from the DHE TRUE OR FALSE
-           FALSE 
83.Dynamic hieracgy Editor is available in NW BPC 7.5. TRUE OR FALSE
-           TRUE

84.DHE is a user interface and data is stored in the cube ? TRUE OR FALSE
-           TRUE

85.  Main reason to consider using IC matching is that you want to do the matching on transaction  currency and you do not want to add this currency to the Legal App. TRUE OR FALSE
-           TRUE

86.  The IC booking function concentrates into each entity the declarations all other entities vs the particular entity. This then allows the end users within each reporting entity to run a report which matches all of its declarations against the balance of the other entities without assigning owner read access to other entities. TRUE OR FALSE
-           TRUE

87.  The IC Matching App is a Financial Type with Currency Conversion and Intercompany Booking business rules .
-           TRUE

88.  Running the ICDATA.LGF logic file via the corresponding ICDATA package runs intercompany reconciliation . TRUE OR FALSE
-           TRUE

89.  Running the ICBOOKING.LGF via the ICBooking package runs intercompany reconciliation and posts differences . TRUE OR FALSE
-           TRUE

90.  Setting up the Seller rule type in ICBooking Business Rules means that the seller will receive any variances . TRUE OR FALSE
-           FALSE . 
91.  ICMatching postings happen at the group level.
-           FALSE .

92.  ICMatching postings happen at the entity level.
-           TRUE.

93.  US Elim entries happen at Group Level . TRUE OR FALSE
-           TRUE 
94.  Automatic Adjust entries happen at Group or Group & Entity Level. TRUE OR FALSE
-           TRUE

95.  During IC Elim , in order to keep the BS of each Entity balanced, the reverse amount is booked to a plug account . TRUE OR FALSE
-           TRUE 
96.  The Plug/offset account should be balanced at  Entity level . . TRUE OR FALSE
-           FALSE . 
97.  The Plug/offset account should be balanced at  Group level . . TRUE OR FALSE
-           TRUE .

98.  The Elim is written to a diff data src so that the initial value of the account is not overwritten .
-           TRUE .

99.  A unique requirement while dealing with IC entries is that they should only be reflected in any given group only if both the entity and partner entity which it was doing business with are a part of that group.
-           TRUE .
% of Ownership = Shares Owned/Shares Outstanding*100
% of Minority Interest = 100 –(Shares Owned/Shares Outstanding*100) . TRUE OR FALSE

-           TRUE . 

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