SQL Based Syntax in Script logic :
1. Scooping Commands : 1A. *XDIM_MEMBERSET : It defines the scope of the logic to run on specific members of the Dimension.
*XDIM_MEMBERSET only work on member selection not on Properties.. For the Properties selection *XDIM_FILER or *SELECT can be used.
1B. *XDIM_ADDMEMBERSET: So what is the use of this Command when *XDIM_MEMBERSET can cover all members required...When there are Hierarchies in the Member list and the command *XDIM_MEMBERSET defines a articular Hierarchy to its BASE LEVEL then it will not accept any other member.
For this purpose SAP provided *XDIM_ADDMEMBERSET.
1C. *XDIM_MAXMEMBERS : Specifies the maximum number of members that should be included in one query, per dimension the syntax is associated with.
1D. *XDIM_FILTER : This command can be used to filter the scoping members based on the properties. *XDIM_FILTER TIME = [TIME].PROPERTIES("MONTHNUM") = "2“ will restrict the execution scope to only records containing a TIME dimension for February (month number 2).
1E. *XDIM_PACKAGEDBY: This syntax is used for parallel processing. However configuration needs to be done in SPRO need to be done before using this.